iFLYblog has a ton of useful content. Browse all our posts below, or use the search tool for your keyword of interest:
- July 14, 2016: Our first airshow
- June 9, 2016: My First Stearman Fly-in
- May 17, 2016: Brooks’ First Ride in my Stearman
- April 4, 2016: Don’t take financial advice from broke people! And why you need good mentors.
- March 8, 2016: Using The Tools You Have
- February 22, 2016: What’s the deal with that prop?
- February 8, 2016: The Longer Flight Home
- January 25, 2016: Plane Good People
- December 28, 2015: What's it Like Getting Checked Out in a Stearman?
- December 14, 2015: If It Ain’t Boeing, I Ain’t Going
- November 30, 2015: Going Down the Rabbit Hole
- November 17, 2015: Lucky Me - being in the RIGHT place at the RIGHT time in Aviation
- October 13, 2015: We have a problem - is this an IFR Emergency?
- October 1, 2015: Emerson Lake & Palmer Spitfire "Hardest Day"
- September 14, 2015: Flight Report: The Phenom 300 Business Jet
- August 11, 2015: A Guy I Know Better Than Myself
- July 27, 2015: Becoming a Pilot at a Discount
- July 3, 2015: Jets Are For Kids
- June 22, 2015: Have You Hugged Your Mechanic Today?
- June 2, 2015: Flying a Pitts Reno Air Racer
- May 18, 2015: Get Involved in Aviation
- May 4, 2015: Aviation Book: Fate is The Hunter
- May 4, 2015: A $23,000.00 Super Car vs a 1946 Luscombe 8a
- April 27, 2015: People are Weird (plane people, that is...)
- March 23, 2015: What Drew Me to Flying
- March 2, 2015: Challenge Yourself
- February 16, 2015: From a Jet to a Citabria – Something feels wrong!
- February 2, 2015: Restoring The Passion For Flying
- January 19, 2015: When Hell Freezes Over
- January 12, 2015: My favorite (non turbine) airplanes
- January 5, 2015: Read The NOTAMs!
- December 22, 2014: Where is Mark today? - Chicago
- December 8, 2014: Chemical Trails for Mind Control???
- December 1, 2014: Lessons Learned: When to Ground Yourself
- November 9, 2014: General Aviation Versus Airline Flying
- October 24, 2014: Where is Mark Today? - San Antonio TX
- June 28, 2014: Dreaming of Oshkosh
- June 8, 2014: Making Videos of Your Flights
- May 18, 2014: Time to Fly
- May 13, 2014: I Want an Airplane
- May 10, 2014: Part 2: Army Helicopter Flight School 1969
- May 3, 2014: User Fees for All
- April 21, 2014: Army Helicopter School 1969
- April 17, 2014: Competent and Confident In Your Flying
- April 5, 2014: Solo World Record Breaker: Matt Guthmiller
- April 5, 2014: Amazing Airlines: A book review
- April 4, 2014: Solo Flow
- March 29, 2014: The Practical Use Of An Airplane - Part 2
- March 23, 2014: Practical Use Of An Airplane - Part 1
- March 7, 2014: Extra 300L - Dream Machine With No Conscience
- March 1, 2014: My Most Memorable Passenger
- February 27, 2014: Burning The Ships
- February 15, 2014: Icarus Series #3: Flying Too Close To The Sun
- February 2, 2014: My Favorite Destination: Blogging in Formation Series
- January 22, 2014: Announcing The Slipstream Radio Podcast
- January 17, 2014: Dancing With The Lizard: Flying and Your Brain
- January 5, 2014: My Flying Bliss
- January 3, 2014: My New Year's Resolutions: #BlogFormation Post
- December 28, 2013: Icarus Series #1: Innovate or Die
- December 18, 2013: Pilots vs. Pilots
- December 11, 2013: Name Our Podcast
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- December 1, 2013: What I Want Under the Christmas Tree is...Electrifying! #blogformation post
- November 28, 2013: Take a load off!
- November 25, 2013: Welcome to the New iFLYblog.com
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- November 10, 2013: Slipping vs Skidding: Why knowing the difference could save your life
- November 7, 2013: Pre-launch of The Pilot’s Guide To Flying On a Budget
- November 2, 2013: American Spitfire Recon Squadron
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- October 3, 2013: One Year Anniversary
- September 30, 2013: My Most Instructional Moment
- September 21, 2013: But I have a non-flying spouse...
- September 15, 2013: What would I buy...Mooney 201
- September 11, 2013: Do we really want more pilots?
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- September 2, 2013: My One Wish For Aviation (Blogging in Formation Series)
- August 27, 2013: Youth Aviation Adventure Hangarfest 2013
- August 14, 2013: Disney's Planes
- August 8, 2013: Drone Wars
- August 5, 2013: A Knight of the Air (Blogging in Formation Series)
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- July 24, 2013: Caffeinate your flying!
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- July 14, 2013: Three things that scare pilots
- July 10, 2013: Being watched from the inside...what secrets does your electronics hold?
- July 5, 2013: How To Be a Good Student. This applies to all of us!
- July 1, 2013: The Future of Aviation in the U.S.: From The Blogging In Formation Series
- June 28, 2013: The Big Move
- June 23, 2013: Is there hope for the future of GA?
- June 22, 2013: Why do we suck at being safe?
- June 19, 2013: Accomplishments in Flight
- June 16, 2013: Situational Awareness: Do you know where your airplane is?
- June 13, 2013: Taking Planes to See Disney's Planes
- June 11, 2013: 9 Simple Ways to Keep From Killing Yourself in an Airplane
- June 8, 2013: Most Memorable Flight : First Flight of my RV-8
- June 7, 2013: Flying with Friends: Tom's RV-4
- June 5, 2013: Testing my GoPro Hero 3 Black Edition or Another Excuse to Fly My RV-8
- June 2, 2013: New Project
- May 31, 2013: The Most Indecent Proposal: The video that shouldn't have went viral
- May 28, 2013: AirVenture Oshkosh 2013
- May 26, 2013: 50 Tales of Flight: A Review
- May 25, 2013: New Toys
- May 23, 2013: Plan Continuation Bias
- May 21, 2013: Flying As Art
- May 19, 2013: Air Show Love
- May 16, 2013: Batteries included: The simplified future of electric flight
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- May 12, 2013: Blogging In Formation Series: My Journey to Flight
- May 10, 2013: The Last Bush Pilots: A Review
- May 8, 2013: 12 Ideas You Can Use to Promote General Aviation
- May 6, 2013: Blogging In Formation: Six Aviation Bloggers, Six Posts, Six Days
- May 3, 2013: Setting Aviation Goals: The SMART Approach
- April 30, 2013: 10 Myths About Learning to Fly
- April 28, 2013: This is your brain on FLYING!
- April 26, 2013: What would I buy...Monocoupe
- April 25, 2013: Oh the lure of a grass runway: One of GA's Best Kept Secrets
- April 22, 2013: 7 Habits of Highly Effective Aviators
- April 20, 2013: Jet Jocks: How professional pilots can shun recreational aviation
- April 18, 2013: What General Aviation Needs: 8 not-so-easy solutions to GA's woes
- April 16, 2013: FAASTeam Safety Seminar
- April 14, 2013: Aviation Under Attack
- April 12, 2013: How To Be a Pilot - FREE Poster (Share this with your non-flying friends)
- April 10, 2013: Timing is everything
- April 8, 2013: Amazon Aviator
- April 6, 2013: Why do people stop flying?
- April 2, 2013: 10 Simple Things You Can Do to Improve Your Airmanship
- April 2, 2013: Flying Frustrations
- March 31, 2013: Nap of the Earth: Flying low
- March 29, 2013: If you like this here Flying blog...
- March 29, 2013: Recurrent Flight Training
- March 28, 2013: Aviation W&B Calculator App: a review
- March 26, 2013: My aviation and flying blog list
- March 25, 2013: Lessons learned: Cessna 421 "The boss's open door policy"
- March 24, 2013: New Aviation Resources page
- March 21, 2013: Those dang centerlines: pilot proficiency one landing at a time
- March 20, 2013: Takeoff - Aviation Weather App: Review
- March 18, 2013: New Transportation System: Kiwi Style
- March 17, 2013: NTSB Safety Alerts: General aviation is on the radar and not in a good way!
- March 16, 2013: A Career Aviator is Celebrated!
- March 13, 2013: I Love Biplanes!
- March 11, 2013: Don't wait on your dreams!
- March 9, 2013: Clipper Ships of the Sky: The great flying boats that shrank the world 1931-1946
- March 7, 2013: Happy Sixth Month Anniversary: An aviation blog in the first half year
- March 6, 2013: Call Sign: Juice
- March 5, 2013: Private Pilot Family Man
- March 3, 2013: Sequestration impacts VP Biden - Good!
- March 3, 2013: RV NATION: It's a grass roots thing!
- March 1, 2013: Taking Flight
- February 28, 2013: Energy Management: Best Glide and Best L/D
- February 26, 2013: Does flying lack value?
- February 24, 2013: How To Be a Pilot ebook: Update #1
- February 23, 2013: What would I buy...Beechcraft Bonanza
- February 22, 2013: Safety vs. Risk Management
- February 21, 2013: iFLYblog.com Book Club February 2013: Fire and Air by Patty Wagstaff
- February 20, 2013: DH88 Comet: A timeless design
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- February 18, 2013: How to be a pilot ebook project
- February 17, 2013: Three reasons I love flying
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- February 13, 2013: It's your aviation blog...what do YOU want to see?
- February 12, 2013: Bob's Wings
- February 10, 2013: Flying careers are a fickle mistress
- February 8, 2013: Anti Air Cam
- February 7, 2013: Teaching myself aerobatics: Don't try this at home!
- February 5, 2013: We have it good in the U.S.
- February 3, 2013: Like this page on Facebook
- February 3, 2013: Airshow Performer Duane Cole
- January 31, 2013: Reckless Flying
- January 29, 2013: Flying Wild Alaska Saved My Marriage
- January 27, 2013: Computer ATC Police: TARP and Pilot Deviations
- January 25, 2013: RV-8 Aerobatics: Video
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- January 21, 2013: Test Flying: Operational Check Flight
- January 20, 2013: Fall Flight: A short video
- January 19, 2013: Getting an Instrument Rating: Perspective
- January 18, 2013: Airplane Withdrawals
- January 17, 2013: iFLYblog.com Book Club January 2013: You Can Fly Now
- January 16, 2013: New Spark Plugs
- January 15, 2013: Security Theatre
- January 14, 2013: Home Simulation: Part 2 IFR Student / IFR rated
- January 13, 2013: Entry-Level Flying Jobs
- January 12, 2013: Home Simulation: Part 1 Aspiring Aviator / VFR Pilot
- January 11, 2013: Foster Lane: Aviation Pioneer
- January 10, 2013: Flying with music
- January 8, 2013: Stuck Mic Avcast: Interview
- January 8, 2013: I want to build another airplane
- January 7, 2013: Keeping my ticket in my pocket: A TFR tale
- January 6, 2013: Modern Day Barnstormer: John Mohr
- January 5, 2013: HGS Flight: an iPad app review
- January 4, 2013: New Year's Resolutions...aviation style
- January 3, 2013: Has the last fighter pilot been born?
- January 2, 2013: Building my RV-8: the video
- January 1, 2013: The Professional Private Pilot
- December 31, 2012: Score one for innovation against the declining pilot population
- December 30, 2012: Living with your airplane part 2: Residential airparks
- December 29, 2012: Living with your airplane part 1: Home strip
- December 28, 2012: Self-Appointed Airport Police
- December 27, 2012: What brought you here? Your journey to General Aviation
- December 26, 2012: The dirty dozen of aircraft ownership! A simple list of the costs
- December 25, 2012: A Christmas story from WWII
- December 24, 2012: Twas the night before Christmas...mustang style
- December 23, 2012: Pattern Work: Touch-and-goes for increased proficiency
- December 22, 2012: It's the end of the world. What did you do?
- December 21, 2012: New Blogging Weapon: GoPro Hero3 Black Edition
- December 20, 2012: Should I train in a modern or vintage LSA aircraft?
- December 19, 2012: Christmas light rides for fun or profit
- December 18, 2012: Ohio declares December as GA Appreciation Month
- December 17, 2012: Medically speaking
- December 16, 2012: RV-8 cockpit tour
- December 15, 2012: A shout-out to aviation's volunteers
- December 14, 2012: Spartan Days: Failed Flight Training
- December 13, 2012: Virtual Self-Righteous Aviator
- December 12, 2012: Does building or restoring an aircraft make you smarter?
- December 11, 2012: Paying it forward: aviation style
- December 10, 2012: iFLYblog.com Book Club December 2012: Top Gun Days
- December 9, 2012: What will general aviation look like in 40 years?
- December 8, 2012: The Instrument rating demystified
- December 7, 2012: Buying a used homebuilt
- December 6, 2012: iPad EFB
- December 5, 2012: Should I fly into Oshkosh?
- December 4, 2012: The airport social scene
- December 3, 2012: RV-10 In Progress
- December 2, 2012: What would I Buy....Luscombe 8A
- December 1, 2012: How do I pay for flight training?
- November 30, 2012: Balancing Flying with Family
- November 29, 2012: Checklist Discipline (updated)
- November 28, 2012: The Self-Righteous Aviator
- November 27, 2012: Dreaming of Flight: Flying as a second career (update)
- November 26, 2012: Always learning: a pilot can never learn too much
- November 25, 2012: Old Flight Bag: A glimpse into a flying life
- November 24, 2012: We need more aviation heroes
- November 23, 2012: Why do people live near airports and then complain?
- November 22, 2012: Happy Thanksgiving!
- November 21, 2012: Reflections of a flight: Flying with a camera under my wing
- November 20, 2012: Jerrie Mock and the Spirit of Columbus
- November 19, 2012: Flying Young Eagles: My 1st Rally
- November 18, 2012: First Flight: Flight Testing your Experimental Aircraft
- November 17, 2012: Crossfired: A Spectacular Fly-In
- November 16, 2012: B-17 Gas Station
- November 15, 2012: My First Flight
- November 14, 2012: Aviation Book List: ebooks
- November 12, 2012: A Horse of a Different Color: Flying and Horses?
- November 11, 2012: Short Sortie: A Normal Flight in the RV-8
- November 10, 2012: Aviation Mentorship: Air Facts Journal
- November 9, 2012: Handling an Aircraft Emergency
- November 8, 2012: My Ride in a T-34
- November 7, 2012: FAA Safety Briefing: A Free Publication From the FAA
- November 6, 2012: My Last Piston Twin Trip
- November 5, 2012: iFLYblog.com Book Club November 2012: Stick and Rudder
- November 4, 2012: Flying with Finesse
- November 3, 2012: FLIGHT: The Movie
- November 3, 2012: Cory Bird's Symmetry: An Airplane as Art
- November 2, 2012: WACO Classic won Autopilot Approval....Really?
- November 2, 2012: What's in a name?
- November 1, 2012: Father and Son First Solo
- October 31, 2012: Barnstormers.com Addict: So many aircraft for sale, so little money...
- October 30, 2012: Dedicated Facebook Page
- October 30, 2012: How To Fly a Taildragger: 201
- October 29, 2012: Hawker Beechcraft to emerge from Bankruptcy as Beechcraft Corp
- October 28, 2012: How To Fly a Taildragger: 101
- October 27, 2012: Smoke in the Cockpit
- October 26, 2012: What Should You Do To Help The Declining Pilot Population
- October 25, 2012: What would I Buy....Kolb
- October 24, 2012: EAA Leadership Transition
- October 23, 2012: NAIA Days: My Flight School Experience
- October 22, 2012: iFLYblog.com Book Club October 2012: Fate is the Hunter by Ernst Gann
- October 21, 2012: Right Break
- October 20, 2012: Formation Flying
- October 20, 2012: Lynda Meeks: The Sky's the Limit
- October 19, 2012: Cloudahoy: A Review
- October 18, 2012: Complacency: The Silent Killer
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- October 14, 2012: Yeager Celebrates Going Mach One 65 Years Ago
- October 13, 2012: FLY AWAY IN AN S-LSA RV-12!
- October 13, 2012: My Friend Tom Webster Goes West
- October 11, 2012: NTSB Press Release on G650 Crash
- October 10, 2012: Obama Critical of Corporate Aviation: Again!
- October 10, 2012: Professional Flying: Is the romance gone?
- October 9, 2012: Flying in High School
- October 9, 2012: Embry-Riddle: Climbing out despite turbulent times
- October 8, 2012: Aerobatics: A Primer
- October 8, 2012: SpaceX Makes History - Again!
- October 7, 2012: Flight Stimulation: A Week In the Life of Recurrent Training
- October 6, 2012: Mid-Air Collision: Disaster Averted
- October 6, 2012: AOPA Air Safety Foundation: The Latest Nall Accident Report
- October 5, 2012: Mitchel Flying the RV-8
- October 4, 2012: The Bugatti 100P: Reviving a Ghost
- October 3, 2012: We Fly Dynon’s New D1 Pocket Panel
- October 2, 2012: Mayday! The Declining Pilot Population Part 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5
- October 2, 2012: The Bücker Jungster I
- October 1, 2012: Pilot Training Tools: When, if at all, would you let a student bring an iPad or other electronic flight bag into the cockpit?
- September 30, 2012: Sunday Sortie
- September 29, 2012: The Fokker Triplane: My Secret Obsession
- September 28, 2012: RV-14
- September 28, 2012: Preflight Inspections: It's What You Don't See That Can Hurt You
- September 28, 2012: EAA Eagle Flights
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- September 26, 2012: My Own Private Oshkosh: Airventure 2012
- September 25, 2012: Race 88 at the 2012 Reno Air Races
- September 25, 2012: Cessna 182 JT-A
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- September 21, 2012: Stall Spin Awareness: What Your Instructor Should Be Telling You
- September 20, 2012: Space: The Final Frontier
- September 19, 2012: iFLYblog.com Audiocast Episode #3
- September 19, 2012: Fly Cheap: Some techniques and tips for flying without breaking the bank
- September 18, 2012: Our Unfriendly Airports
- September 17, 2012: Annual Inspection: The first annual on my RV-8
- September 17, 2012: The Ercoupe: A Journey into the resurrection, restoration, and triumph of a 48 year old airplane
- September 17, 2012: Flight Testing Homebuilts: Are You Ready
- September 16, 2012: iFLYblog.com Audiocast Episode #2
- September 16, 2012: Quiet Technologies Halo In-Ear Headset: Review
- September 15, 2012: User Fees: The never ending saga
- September 14, 2012: Professionalism in Flying: Thoughts on taking your flying to the next level
- September 14, 2012: Flying the Twin Beech
- September 14, 2012: iFLYblog.com Audiocast Episode #1
- September 13, 2012: Checking Out in a New Airplane: A thoughtful approach to risk management
- September 13, 2012: Learning to Fly: What you really need to know
- September 12, 2012: Buying an airplane: Part two
- September 8, 2012: iFLYblog.com Audiocast Episode #0
- September 8, 2012: Buying an airplane: Asking yourself the right questions
- September 8, 2012: Building your own airplane: What is it like?
- September 7, 2012: Welcome to iflyblog.com: Virtual hangar
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