
September 17, 2012

Annual Inspection: The first annual on my RV-8

Annual Condition Inspection: Wow a year went by fast! August 2nd, 2011 marked a year since I signed off the inspection on my newly minted RV-8. Nine days later I would fly her for the first time (another story for another day). Having flown the airplane a paltry 66 hours in the preceding year I…

September 12, 2012

Buying an airplane: Part two

Buying an aircraft: Now that you have settled on your mission it is time to identify the airplanes that fit into that category. You can do this by researching the various web-sources such as, wikipedia, or even google. Once that is done it’s time to jump into the used airplane market.      …

September 8, 2012

Buying an airplane: Asking yourself the right questions

Buying an airplane is one of the biggest decisions you can make. Initially we start with some simple (or not) questions. In future segments we’ll decend down into the details of purchasing an aircraft. Before we can proceed you need to ask youself some fundamental questions: