Mary Flies
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My 8 year old daughter Mary, goes flying with her dad!
Although the RV-8 has been flying for over a year, my two daughters have not been up in it yet – seems mom is more than a bit nervous about them flying. Well yesterday the opportunity presented itself for Mary and she had to go.
You might have noticed that the airplane is called ‘Contrary Mary’ in honor of her. So it was fitting that she flies in it!
She had a great time and couldn’t stop smiling!
See video below or direct link here:
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What a great video of Mary and her Sky-Dad! I was 8 when my Dad started taking me flying with him in his little C-172 in northern British Columbia. I used to do my homework in the back seat if we went cross-country. Best memories of my childhood and the reason I fly today. Way to go Mary!
That’s awesome! Thanks for sharing that!