
May 8, 2013

12 Ideas You Can Use to Promote General Aviation

12 Ideas You Can Use to Promote GA In the grand scheme of things, most of these ideas won’t really move the needle. We need solutions to several very large issues, but my goal is offer some relatively simple things we can do individually to promote General Aviation. Incrementally, if we all took up the…

May 3, 2013

Setting Aviation Goals: The SMART Approach

Setting Aviation Goals: The SMART Approach Having goals is something we should always endeavor to do. Not just for flying, but since we are talking aviation that will be the context for this article. Certainly these ideas can be applied to anything else in life. When President Kennedy announced in 1961 that we would put…

April 30, 2013

10 Myths About Learning to Fly

Here are 10 myths that I hear frequently from folks that are interested in flying, but don’t think they can pursue it.   I can’t afford it. I despise the word “can’t.” There is simply no such thing. If you really want it, you can find the way. It really comes down to choices. With…

April 28, 2013

This is your brain on FLYING!

Many of your will remember the anti-narcotics campaign launched in the late 1980s (If you haven’t seen it, click this link – it’s a classic). This popular ad really reminds me of how my brain seems to change when I’m under the influence of flying. Not sure how this happens, but when I fly there is…

April 26, 2013

What would I buy…Monocoupe

What would I buy? Monocoupe This is the fifth installment in a series of articles based on a hypothetical set of airplane ownership criteria. Note: This information is strictly the opinion of the author. Your mileage may vary.  So for this one I reached deep into my eccentric tastes to produce an example of how I…

April 25, 2013

Oh the lure of a grass runway: One of GA’s Best Kept Secrets

One my favorite things to do is land on a nice grass runway. There is something about it that almost makes it seem like a guilty pleasure. No TSA, no metal detectors, no sequestration-impacted-control-towers, and rarely any fences, and certainly no barbed wire! It is flying in the most organic sense of the word. My…

April 22, 2013

7 Habits of Highly Effective Aviators

  7 Habits of Highly Effective Aviators Habit 1 – Seeks perfection. I believe this is a key trait and it should not be limited to the professional. If you always strive to be the best, you’ll need to know how to accept coming up short without being frustrated. If you fall down you just…

April 18, 2013

What General Aviation Needs: 8 not-so-easy solutions to GA’s woes

What General Aviation Needs: 8 not-so-easy solutions to GA’s woes When you look across the landscape of General Aviation it becomes apparent that there are some challenges.  I took the liberty of writing down a short list of pain-points for you perusal (not in any specific order).  1.  We need airplanes that are inexpensive to…