
October 20, 2012

Formation Flying

Formation Flying Editorial/Flight Training This article is not a how-to, there are many good resources on the internet for the nitty-gritty details, rather this a high-level overview of formation flying as it relates to the general aviation pilot. Formation flying might be one of the most rewarding things you can do with an airplane, but…

October 20, 2012

Lynda Meeks: The Sky’s the Limit

  Lynda Meeks: The Sky’s the Limit Editor: If you haven’t read the Huffington Post article about Lynda and some of the things she is doing is is posted below. Great stuff! Congrats Lynda! There should be nothing unusual about Lynda Meeks, Army veteran and licensed pilot, sitting in an airplane. But this time, her…

October 19, 2012

Cloudahoy: A Review

I had an opportunity to use a new iOS aviation app last week called Cloudahoy. I have to say, it’s pretty slick. The idea behind the app came from instrument student and app developer, who wanted a way to track and debrief an instrument flight using the tools that are available, namely the iphone as…

October 18, 2012

Complacency: The Silent Killer

Complacency: The Silent Killer Let’s face facts, flying can be risky. In spite of statistics that say flying is safer than driving – which are arguable, there are elements of flying that are swiftly unforgiving. We have done well in recent decades to enhance accident rates in general aviation, but one theme remains; people are…

October 17, 2012

Are Experimental Airplanes Really That “Experimental?”

Are experimental airplanes really that “experimental?” Editorial This article may seemed biased toward experimental airplanes, but I want to provide some perspective for folks that have otherwise never considered an experimental as a viable option. For the record, I am not anti-Cessna or Piper. I love all airplanes! One of the things that have helped…

October 16, 2012

Misadventures of a C-172 Flight

Misadventures of a C-172 Flight As a starving flight instructor working my tail off to make ends meet, I did some ‘interesting’ flying. (Editors note: no specific dates, locations, or names are used in this story to protect me from any bad-guys that were on the receiving end of this operation)

October 15, 2012

Mary Flies

My 8 year old daughter Mary, goes flying with her dad! Although the RV-8 has been flying for over a year, my two daughters have not been up in it yet – seems mom is more than a bit nervous about them flying. Well yesterday the opportunity presented itself for Mary and she had to…

October 14, 2012

Redbull Stratos: A Success

Felix Baumgartner literally jumped into the history books today with his unconfirmed record breaking free fall from the edge of space. Jumping from approximately 127,000′. He fell for over 4 minutes, hopefully achieving speeds over Mach 1 on his way down – too be confirmed. Felix jumped twice this year leading up to this recording…

October 13, 2012


October 11, 2012 For Immediate Release: FLY AWAY IN AN S-LSA RV-12! Van’s Aircraft, Inc. is pleased to announce a new program to build completed, fly-away, RV-12s. Better yet, Van’s has a working agreement with Synergy Air of Eugene, OR to manufacture the airplanes in the U.S.A. Nearly 200 kit-built RV-12s have been completed and…