Welcome to iflyblog.com: Virtual hangar
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iflyblog.com is a virtual hangar where I give out free advice and tell stories about flying. This is the inaugural post of the blog and I’m very excited to share myself using this new medium. The internet has allowed information to flow in ways no one expected and hopefully we can all collectively benefit.
The goal of this blog is to put my 25+ years of aviation experience to work for you. I will post everything from how-to’s and reviews, to editorials or just ‘war stories’ about myself er, I mean things I have experienced along the way.
Hopefully the new or lessor experienced flyer will learn a little from my ramblings and the more experienced among us will at least be entertained.
Please do not hesitate to comment. You can ask me questions or just give feedback – either way it is much appreciated!
Please rely to this post below with your comments, feedback, or questions.
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