My aviation and flying blog list
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Everyone has their favorite flying blog that they frequent. Same goes for forums. There is a gravitational force that exists between you and your favorites that keep you coming back.
I want to share with you a list of my favorites and a few honorable mentions. I’ll also say a few words about each. Some will be obvious and some not so much. Of course, I am limiting it to only flying/aviation blogs for this post.
One of my favorite flying blogs, besides my own of course, is:
- Dave Gamble’s Schmetterling Aviation. I like it mostly because I love to read Dave’s writing. He has a mastery of vocabulary coupled with a great sense of humor that keeps me coming back. He had a blog called PapaGolfChronicles that I really enjoyed as well. These two blogs by Gamble represent my oldest blog bookmarks, which is why they get this place of honor.
Other favorite aviation blogs (not in any specific order):
- Airplanista by Dan Pimentel. Dan, like me, writes about a wide range of topics. Unlike me, Dan is actually a good writer
- Flight to Success by Karlene Petit. Karlene is a major airline Captain and a published author. She really does a nice job with her blog and really put the human piece back into flying
- Air Facts Journal – although this is a business blog, basically an extension of Sporty’s, John Zimmerman and Richard Collins do a nice job providing value to the cyber-pilot.
- Adventures of Cap’n Aux – Eric Auxier is an Airbus Captain and author. He has written two fiction books and his blog is quit entertaining. Not your typical flying blog.
- N631S is a fun little blog written by Frank Haste. Frank flies the snot out of his C-182 and writes about it. He also does excellent book reviews.
- JetHead is another pro pilot blog, written by an AA Captain Chris Manno. His posts about the flying life are entertaining, to say the least.
- Left Seat written by J. Mac McClellan is another blog I check-in on. I don’t read every article, but I find the ones I’m interested in to be well written and authoritative. Mac has a long history in GA and publishing.
- From Private to Professional Pilot is written by Swayne Martin, a High School sophomore and newly minted Student Pilot. I applaud his enthusiasm and commitment. I wish more young folks were so driven.
- Toria Flies is an aviatrix blog created by Victoria Neuville. She posts on a wide range of topics relative to her flying life. She is also heavily involved in Women of Aviation International is a co-host on the Stuck Mic Avcast.
- AvWeb Insider blog – This blog is always well written and generally very opinionated, which is why I like it. I don’t always agree with the subject, but that’s what free speech is all about.
- Expert Aviation is written by Carl Valeri, an airline pilot and co-host of Stuck Mic Avcast. Carl’s goal is education and I found his work very interesting and informative.
- Golf Hotel Whiskey by Matthew Stibbe covers a wide range of topics. I like his blog, because like me, he posts often so there’s always something new to see.
- The House of Rapp is a personal blog by California-based GIV pilot, Ron Rapp. It’s been around since the mid-90s making it one of the oldest. The site is extremely clean and the content is wide-ranging. I’m a fan.
- Gary’s Flight Journal is just what the name says. Gary is an instrument rated private pilot and he writes about his flying experiences and anything else that interests him.
- My Blue World is a blog written by a husband and wife pilot team of Rusty and Sarah. I think Sarah does all the blogging. Anyway, I love the design of the site and it’s fun to read about their adventures.
- Hush Kit – when I original saw this site, I thought it was for aftermarket noise attenuation kits for corporate jets. Luckily I explored it further. You never know what you might see on this aviation magazine-style blog.
- My Flight Blog is written by Todd, a Private Pilot, who enjoys writing about his exploits.
- The Auster Diaries – a fun little blog written about the adventures of a light plane in Scotland, called the Auster. Sometimes it’s fun just to read a blog dedicated to one airplane.
- Airplanology is by Ben, who is a Private Pilot and avid aviation enthusiast. His blog is updated frequently and always has something different to checkout.
Next time we might talk about forums – that should be interesting.
This is where you come in. If you have a blog that you LOVE and it’s not on this list, I WANT to know about it. I’m always on the hunt for great flying blogs so don’t let me miss out.
Be sure to check out the comments for more great links from folks like you!
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Check out “Decision Height” by Alan Cockrell:
He’s a terrific writer with some great experiences to relate (military, airline, and GA). This recent post is a particularly poignant example:
Thanks! That does look like a cool blog. I have added Alan to my bookmark of blogs to check out.
I am familiar with the majority of the blogs on your list. We just don’t have that many in aviation, apparently.
My contributions would be these: – okay, so I’m into ultralights, is this so wrong? – this is just amazing how awesome it is to be a 0.5%-ter pilot; I am also amazed that the Chinese haven’t closed that outlet of precious information yet. – this guy is just cool. I picked him at the BCP board – LSAs have an official voice in Dan Johnson, but this is more real (has an author feed) – if you don’t read Japanese, look at pics; also, their flying is about as over-regulated as European, but they do their best — another earnest pilot blog, but TJ adds a bit of high-flying zest into it; and he flies on business, too; amazing in these days of total liability
Thank for the list! That gives me some new ones to look at for sure!
My newsreader has close to 400 feeds, but only about 30 are aviation-related.
Wow you are a busy man with 400 feeds. I was just looking through that Japanese one, the pics are spectacular. Wish I could read it.
Hi Brent,
I’m a student pilot and I have been following your blog for a while. Checking every day for a new post. Can´t wait for the forums list 😉
You can check my blog:
Its not the best writing blog I know but I try my best.
I follow a great number of blogs. Here are some more that I like to read:
Best regards,
Ricardo Gomes
Thanks Ricardo!
I’ll check out your blog and the list you provide. Much appreciated!
Thanks for having me on your list! I read many of the sites you listed.
Here are a couple more for you to check out: – this is one of my favorites. He’s taken a bit of a hiatus lately, but the archived stuff is well worth it.
Thanks again!
Thanks Ron! I really enjoy your blog!
Brent and are a few additional ones that will entertain you for days.
Awesome! Thanks Ed!
Oh, and is one about flying destinations in Southern California and the Southwestern US. A must visit site if you want to arouse your travel lust.
Yup, Chris’ blog has some of the best aerial photography out there – highly recommend it!
He’s a nice guy, too.
By the way… though I feel a bit guilty engaging in shameless self-promotion, I wanted to note that I have my own blog – and I live in your area!
Love your blog! The pictures are stunning. Thanks for sharing your link here. I’ll add it to my links page as well. We’ll have to meet up some time since you’re local.
Thanks for the kind words!
Definitely get in touch (contact info’s on my blog) if you head out towards Dayton. We live right next to MGY.
Some good stuff out there, for the Brits amongst you check out, new blog with an air traffic control spin.
Cool Jamie! I’ll take a look.
Great blog! I hope you don’t mind me pushing my own, I’m not selling anything nor is there any commercial interest, but I’ve been flying helicopters for thirty years and have a running blog for the past few years. I’m not really sure how to promote it. It’s “My Life as a Helicopter Pilot” which is mostly aviation but quite abit of travelogue as well as I work in numerous third world locales, and I’m rather proud of the photography. Please check it out!
No problem. I’ll check it out. I’m a big helicopter fan. I have often fantasized about having a little Rotoway Exec at the house.
Great post thanks for sharing! Here at Heli Operations we work with the world’s largest helicopter operators, providing helicopter crews, equipment, training and support for specialist operations. We wish you and all your readers our very best and look forward to reading future posts.