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Author Jon Vitt had done an extraordinary thing. He has written a book that literally takes you through every step of his journey to becoming a Private Pilot. You might read a lot of very clinic explanations of how you learn to fly, but this account takes you inside the process in a step-by-step walk through Jon’s logbook.
While that in and of itself this may not sound incredible to you, once you read this book you will know what I mean. He doesn’t teach you maneuvers or techniques (like so many tired texts), he shows you what it’s like to learn them – folks that’s not a subtle difference if you’ve never been there before.
So, if you are thinking of learning to fly, you owe it to yourself to check out this book so you can see what the process is really like – the ups, the downs, and the real-life lessons that come from the journey. Even if you are already a pilot, you’ll still be entertained by Jon’s experience.
You’ll feel like you were in the cockpit with him as he progressed from frustrated student – battling all the normal demons that we all face when learning to fly – to triumphant airman, and all points in between.
Another important note about Jon. He’s an avid supporter or Angel Flight and has pledged that a portion of the proceeds from each sale of his book will go to that cause – yet another reason to check it out.
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Thanks for brining this to my attention, this could be a cool Christmas gift.
Glad to help! Thanks Scott!