
January 5, 2015

Read The NOTAMs!

You know what they say – READ THE NOTAMS! We always get this great advice and it really would be the wisest thing to do, but sometimes your head isn’t in the game.  Let me give you an example: I spend most my time at 500 feet AGL in a taildragger, talking to absolutely no…

December 22, 2014

Where is Mark today? – Chicago

Drumroll please… Chicago! Wait I meant sigh, Chicago… The last couple of days have been a whirlwind. Yesterday we departed HWD for DLS,  an airport that proved to be one of the most challenging approaches I have done in a jet in recent memory. The weather was marginal, but the gusty wind conditions only allowed…

December 8, 2014

Chemical Trails for Mind Control???

Let me first start off by saying that I am not easily trolled, but here are a few things that drive me nuts. When pilots on the radio say “fish finder”, I have a hard time keeping my mouth shut. A close second on “Marks top ten list of things he hates”  is the whole…

December 1, 2014

Lessons Learned: When to Ground Yourself

Hi Everyone! As previously mentioned, is EXPANDING with NEW CONTRIBUTORS! Joining us today is David Lynn, a C-130H Navigator and blogger. You can read his about page by clicking his name in the ABOUT menu on the homepage! Now without further lies and stories, please enjoy this post from contributor David Lynn  …

November 9, 2014

General Aviation Versus Airline Flying

As mentioned before, is EXPANDING with NEW CONTRIBUTORS! Joining us today is Karlene Petitt, Airbus 330 Pilot and author! You can read her about page by clicking her name in the ABOUT menu on the homepage! A while back Karlene posted this neat question answer session she had with a young CFI who…

October 24, 2014

Where is Mark Today? – San Antonio TX

Hi Everyone!  It’s been a little bit since a post has come from but have no fear!  Stay tuned because is EXPANDING with NEW CONTRIBUTORS!  Joining us today is Mark Pollard, Charter Pilot in the Citation XLS. You can read his about page by clicking his name in the ABOUT menu on the…

June 28, 2014

Dreaming of Oshkosh

Dreaming of Oshkosh – The dream, the (small) nightmares, and the awesome realities that make Oshkosh what it is.   With the annual Mecca of aviation only a few weeks away, I’m compelled to share some of my dreams of Oshkosh, on the event and to tug at your sensibilities if you aren’t planning in…

June 8, 2014

Making Videos of Your Flights

One of my guilty pleasures with recreational flying is the use of video. It really adds to the experience and lets you share and relive moments like never before. It’s great fun to spend a few hours between flights putting together a nice edit; it can really transmit the essence of what your flight was…

May 18, 2014

Time to Fly

For those of us that live in areas that experience a genuine winter, spring should be the time we attempt to restore our flying back to pre-winter status. That is assuming you don’t fly as much during the cold months. For my friends that live in paradise – yes I’m talking to Ron and Eric…

May 13, 2014

I Want an Airplane

Here we are at the beginning of May and winter has finally released its firm grip and we can really focus on getting out there and enjoying our passion of flying.    I love May because it ushers in the air show and fly-in season for much of the Northern Hemisphere.  From this point forth…