
May 10, 2014

Part 2: Army Helicopter Flight School 1969

  This is guest post from professional pilot and author, Byron Edgington.  He is the author of The Sky Behind Me and you are sure to enjoy this piece.    Part 2: Ft. Wolters Texas, Army Helicopter Flight School 1969.   Solo   I’d been in Army helicopter flight school for two months. The schedule, the heat,…

May 3, 2014

User Fees for All

By Ron Rapp I’ve been flying sixteen years now, and the specter of user fees has haunted the general aviation community the entire time. Longer, in fact. The history of these proposals has been summarized by AOPA if you care to know the full background, but one thing not many of us remember is that these taxes were…

April 21, 2014

Army Helicopter School 1969

  This is guest post from professional pilot and author, Byron Edgington.  He is the author of The Sky Behind Me and you are sure to enjoy this piece.    PART 1:   Ft. Wolters Texas, Army Helicopter Flight School 1969.   Once my Snowbird month was over it was time to head to the flight line where…

April 17, 2014

Competent and Confident In Your Flying

Com-pe-tent adjective 1. having the necessary ability, knowledge, or skill to do something successfully.   Con-fi-dent adjective 2. feeling or showing confidence in oneself; self-assured.   In our world as pilots, competence is seemingly a Yes or No answer. You are or you aren’t, right? Sort of.    Who determines your level of competence? If you say…

April 5, 2014

Solo World Record Breaker: Matt Guthmiller

Carrying on with the theme from my last post about young people doing amazing things (16 year old Aditya Palnitkar’s book Amazing Airlines) I wanted  give another young man a shout-out.    It is always a pleasure to learn about someone who has set a big goal and is working hard to accomplish it.   …

April 5, 2014

Amazing Airlines: A book review

I was recently contacted by a young author named Aditya Palnitka. He wrote a book called “Amazing Airlines.” Having read the book, is it an excellent account of how airlines work. It goes into areas such as: the logistics involved in operation of an airline, all of the details you would see as a passenger…

April 4, 2014

Solo Flow

Having fond memories of your own solo flight is one of the unique gifts of learning to fly. Like all pilots, it’s a seminal point in your journey. It’s akin to walking through a door into a new world. A world in which you alone control your destiny. You have crossed a threshold; you are…

March 29, 2014

The Practical Use Of An Airplane – Part 2

If you read Part 1 you’ll know I was reveling in my successful freight run from Ohio down to the panhandle of Florida. The cargo happened to be my 18 year old son who was heading down to the Spring Break ravaged town of Panama City and a week of frolicking among other like-minded, hormone-encrusted,…

March 23, 2014

Practical Use Of An Airplane – Part 1

I’m always looking for ways to deploy my airplane in a practical way. I know many of you fly trips as your primary mission, but the vast majority of my personal flying is just local. Flying for the $100 hamburger, practicing formation, and doing aerobatics are 85% of what I intended to do with my…

March 7, 2014

Extra 300L – Dream Machine With No Conscience

Luckily I have had the opportunity to fly an Extra a few times – from the passenger seat [PREVIOUS POST HERE]. I felt compelled to offer my thoughts on what might be one of the coolest machines I have ever handled. Extras are built at the Dinslaken Airfield in Germany. It is a certified, factory-built, thoroughbred…