New Project
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If you frequent this website, you might have noticed that the cadence that I post articles has slowed over the last month or so. That is because I’m working on a couple of side projects.
The first one I would like to tell you about is called FIXEDWINGBUDDHA.COM
Unusual name right? The theme of the site is “money-saving tips for pilots” and that will be the main content that is presented there. Additionally, I will throw some additive topics such as airmanship and altruism – hence the name. You won’t see editorials, reviews, flying reports, or anything like that over there.
You will be the first folks to visit the site if you click the link above so please let me know what you think and if you see any areas for improvement. It’s still officially “under construction” and the plan is to make it more public something later in the month.
I’m really excited about launching this new platform, but don’t worry, isn’t going anyway – It’s my main hub and I still need a place for all the other topics that are fun to discuss.
You’ll be hearing more about fixedwingbuddha in the coming weeks, but here’s your first chance to catch a glimpse and give your honest feedback.
Since it’s not done, I would ask that you not share it until the official launch, which will be announced here.
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