
June 19, 2013

Accomplishments in Flight

One of the cooler things about flying is the ability to seek out and accomplish tangible goals. I don’t know about you, but I like having goals that I can strive for.  I think that’s why sports are so popular, because you always have something to shoot for.  As adults, many of our hobbies take…

June 13, 2013

Taking Planes to See Disney’s Planes

by Mike Wojcik Anyone remotely interested in aviation is buzzing about this movie. Folks attending Oshkosh this year will get to be the first or Top Gun, to see it. The rest of us will have to settle for wingman. Of course I am talking about the theatrical release of “Planes” August 9th. I have…

June 8, 2013

Most Memorable Flight : First Flight of my RV-8

When the group (Blogging in Formation) settled on this topic for June I wasn’t sure what to write, but after some some introspection the choice was clear – the first flight in my RV-8 topped the charts as most memorable. Get a cup of coffee this is a long story! One of the things that…

June 7, 2013

Flying with Friends: Tom’s RV-4

Earlier this week I had the opportunity to fly with my buddy Tom, who built his own RV-4. Tom is a former Air Force instructor, now turned corporate pilot. He built his RV-4 13 years ago and been loving it ever since. He can’t bring himself to park it long enough to paint it, but…

June 3, 2013


INTRODUCTION Starting this week, six aviation bloggers will again join forces to provide a series of common posts. Think of us as “blogging in formation” (#blogformation) for the next six days. This month’s theme will be – OUR MOST MEMORABLE FLIGHT. You don’t want to miss this. Tune in to the specific blog listed below on…

June 2, 2013

New Project

If you frequent this website, you might have noticed that the cadence that I post articles has slowed over the last month or so. That is because I’m working on a couple of side projects. The first one I would like to tell you about is called FIXEDWINGBUDDHA.COM  Unusual name right? The theme of the…

May 31, 2013

The Most Indecent Proposal: The video that shouldn’t have went viral

< Last year a video made the rounds of aviation forums and websites across the internet. It was so wildly circulated that it actually graduated to mainstream media, landing the two “stars” several interviews including a coveted audience with Ellen – that was a joke guys, sorry ladies. The video showed a young couple flying along…