
April 16, 2013

FAASTeam Safety Seminar

Last weekend our local EAA and IAC Chapters hosted the annual joint safety seminar. We also have a FAASTeam representative there so we can give FAA Wings credit to whomever attends. The last couple of years, the venue has been PrimeAero at Marysville airport here in Central Ohio. They are gracious hosts and let us use…

April 14, 2013

Aviation Under Attack

Aviation Under Attack I try to shy away from negative subjects in my attempts to promote aviation, but most readers of this blog are “big-boys and girls” and can handle a healthy dose of reality from time to time. The aviation news outlets have been all abuzz with various sorts of morbid announcements last week….

April 10, 2013

Timing is everything

Timing is everything When it comes to aviation, timing is certainly everything. I pondered this as my friend Bob and I worked on timing the magnetos on his yet to be born, RV-10. [br] You see, the mags have to be aligned and adjusted to precisely fire the spark plugs at just the right time…

April 8, 2013

Amazon Aviator

Ok, I’m not talking about “flying the jungles of South America” kind of Amazon Aviator. I’m referring to the cyber-jungle that is Why am I a big fan of Amazon? Because you can find almost anything at the click of a button and aviation paraphernalia is no exception. [br] It’s not just about books…

April 6, 2013

Why do people stop flying?

Why do people stop flying? Why do normal, well-adjusted, intelligent people drop flying like a bad habit? Unfortunately for our industry there are more than a few legitimate reasons: Expense Time Lack of interest Bad experience Accessibility Life circumstances These can actually overlap to some extent, but let us look at each in detail and…

April 2, 2013

Flying Frustrations

Most of the things you will read on this blog about flying is that it’s all unicorns and rainbows! It’s true that flying is one of the most amazing experiences of your life, but it’s not without its frustrations. Most recently for me I have been chasing an engine problem on my RV8 and thus…

March 29, 2013

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