
January 6, 2013

Modern Day Barnstormer: John Mohr

Modern Day Barnstormer: John Mohr If you haven’t heard of John Mohr, he’s the guy in the stock Stearman that flies so low you have to be in front of the crowd to see his performance. I first saw John at the Gathering of Mustangs and Legends in 2007 here in Columbus, OH. This airshow…

January 5, 2013

HGS Flight: an iPad app review

HGS Flight: an iPad app review Rockwell Collins produced this FREE app for iPads to showcase their Head-up Guidance technology. See below: From the Rockwell Collins website: Rockwell Collins has unveiled HGS™ Flight, a new app that lets users experience the company’s Head-up Guidance (HGS) with synthetic vision on an iPad®. The free app is available for download…

January 4, 2013

New Year’s Resolutions…aviation style

New Year’s Resolutions…aviation style With 2013 already in full swing, I thought it appropriate to post up my aviation related goals for the new year. Many of you know this, but there is a lot of power in actually writing these things down – they seem to have a greater chance of actually happening. In…

January 3, 2013

Has the last fighter pilot been born?

Has the last fighter pilot been born? Editorial A recent article from the TechNewsDaily reported that an F-16 squadron from the Iowa Air National Guard had given up their beautiful Vipers for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Tragic! This squadron dates back to WWII. I don’t know about you, but as a person who studied, nay…

January 2, 2013

Building my RV-8: the video

Building my RV-8: the video This is just a small sample of the thousands of photos taken during the construction of my RV-8 aircraft. I plan to write a series of posts regarding the milestones and notable encounters during the build. Check back for those. For now here’s the video set to music by Tommy…

January 1, 2013

The Professional Private Pilot

The Professional Private Pilot Sounds like an oxymoron, but does it have to be? I have flown with dozens of pilots who only fly for their own enjoyment that flew with a high degree of professionalism. I attribute this to good training and more importantly, a good attitude. Conversely I have flown with others, who…

December 30, 2012

Living with your airplane part 2: Residential airparks

Living with your airplane part 2: Residential airparks Last installment we talked about having a private airstrip. This post we are discussing living at an airpark community. Honestly, this is a deeper level of immersion than most of us are accustomed to. Friends of mine report that it’s an amazing experience to live at the…

December 29, 2012

Living with your airplane part 1: Home strip

Living with your airplane part 1: Home strip I have often dreamt of living with my airplane; being able to launch into a beautiful sky by merely walking out my back door is as romantic as it gets. First, only a very small group of us get to experience aviation this way. Most of use…

December 28, 2012

Self-Appointed Airport Police

Self-Appointed Airport Police In my hometown we had a gentleman who took on the self-appointed role of airport police. He was actually a nice guy and he meant well, but boy if he thought you were doing something unsafe, he was in your face. We’ll call our man, John, for this discussion. He was in…